Our goal is to make our services and programs as accessible as possible. Please refer to synagogue communications for broadcast schedule and location to select the correct channel.
Ha-a-man (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
Emanu El Step UP Campaign
Kabbalat Shabbat – Rabbi Silk Sermon (Mar. 7, 2025)
Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
The Purim Megillah Reading (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
Celebrating Purim (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
We’re Still Standing (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
After the Pageant (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
I Guess That’s Why He Picked on the Jews (Purim Mar. 2, 2025)
Kabbalat Shabbat – Rabbi Silk Sermon (Feb. 28, 2025)
The Arithmetic of Justice (Rabbi Hayon Sermon Feb. 21, 2025)
Sarah Bunin Benor (Scholar in Residence Sermon Feb. 14, 2025)
MUSIC AT EMANU EL presents Got That Swing (Jan. 16, 2025)
A Canon of Empathy, Rabbi Hayon sermon
Twas the Third Night of Hanukkah: A Tale of Joy and Hope (Rabbi Fixler, 12/27/2024)
Shabbat Sermon (Rabbi Silk, Dec.13)
Genesis: Book of Dreams (Rabbi Nancy Wiener, 12/7/2024)
Leftovers (Rabbi Silk, 11/29/2024)
Gratitude: My Mother’s Legacy (Rabbi Fixler sermon)
Shabbat sermon (Rabbi Silk – November 15, 2024)
Walking Together (Shabbat sermon)
Mother of Seeds (Shabbat sermon)
Z’man Simchateinu: Can we Celebrate the Death of Our Enemies? (Shabbat sermon)
Yom Kippur N’ilah 2024 – Rabbi Fixler sermon
October 7 Memorial Service
And the Youth shall See Visions: Israel Through the Eyes of our Teens and Young Adults (Oct 12, 2024)
Yom Kippur Morning Service 2024 – Rabbi Silk sermon
Yom Kippur Yizkor 2024- Rabbi Walter sermon
Shiviti by Castelnuovo-Tedesco (Yom Kippur Yizkor – music)
Standing in the Watershed (Rabbi Hayon Kol Nidre Sermon Oct. 11, 2024)
High Holy Days 2024- Cemetery Service
Shabbat Shuvah Guest Bobbi Samuels
Sacred Fire: The Power of Righteous Anger (Rosh HaShanah morning sermon)
Great Aleinu – Cantor Simmons Rosh HaShanah Morning Oct. 3, 2024 (music)
Shehecheyanu by Pik- Cantor Simmons- Rosh HaShanah Unplugged (music)
Black, White, and Read All Over (Erev Rosh HaShanah sermon)
Am I Awake and Barchu by Aronson- Cantor Simmons- Rosh HaShanah Unplugged (music)
Selichot 2024 (service)
The Magical Birthday Machine (Shabbat sermon)
How to Eat an Elephant: Defying the Wayward Son (Shabbat sermon)
Message from Rabbi Fixler and EE Votes
It’s Time to Come Home (Rabbi Hayon Sermon Sept. 6, 2024)
Builders (Rabbi Silk Sermon Aug. 30, 2024)
Take it Slowly (Rabbi Hayon Sermon Aug. 23, 2024)
Israel the Place/Israel the People (Shabbat Sermon Aug. 16, 2024)
Justice for Moses: In Defense of Anger (Shabbat sermon)
Shabbat Sermon (Rabbi Silk)
My View from Capitol Hill & Adoni Oz (Shabbat Sermon)
80 Years of Emanu El (Shabbat Sermon)
Desert Pomegranates (Shabbat Sermon)
“The Holy Fire” and the Search for Truth (Shabbat Sermon)
A Blessing on Your Head (Shabbat sermon)
Shavuot Yizkor 2024
Shabbat Sermon (Rabbi Hayon)
Kabbalat Shabbat
Blessed Will You Be by Noah Aronson (music)
Adam Pollock Installation & Sermon
Mi Shebeirach by Elana Arian (music)
The Power of Being Seen: Parashat Emor and Sacred Belonging (Shabbat sermon)
Curiosity is a Jewish Value (Shabbat sermon)
MEE Presents: The Ripples of Debbie Friedman (Apr. 16, 2024)
The Blessing for an Eclipse (Shabbat sermon)
Shabbat sermon- 4/5/2024
Jury Duty (Shabbat sermon)
Beauty Pageant Boogie (Purim 2024)
My King (Purim 2024)
Megillah Reading (Purim 2024)
We survived (Purim 2024)
Shabbat Sermon
Shards of Holiness in Morocco (Shabbat sermon)
The Eclipse of God & Al Tasteir (Shabbat sermon)
Happy Trails By Dale Evans (Music)
Warehouse Shabbat
This House of God We Build Together: Trumah and the L’dor Vador Campaign (Shabbat sermon)
The Power of Story: Our Temple’s Teens Share Their DC Experiences
Special Hashkiveinu for Repro Shabbat (Shabbat sermon)
Bring the Joy by Cantor Simmons (music)
MUSIC AT EMANU EL: Elana Arian Weekend (January 26-28, 2024)
The Darkest Dark (Shabbat sermon)
Bernard Kinsey: Shabbat Sermon
Paying Attention (Shabbat sermon)
Finding (Outer) Space to Cultivate Hope (Shabbat sermon)
MUSIC AT EMANU EL: Volunteer Choir Showcase
We Are Family (Shabbat sermon)
D’var Torah by Guest Spike Kraus
In Defense of the K’vetch – A Thanksgiving Sermon (Shabbat sermon)
R’tzei by Stephen Richards – Cantor Simmons & Professional Choir (music)
Captives of Hope (Shabbat sermon)
Standing on the Other Side (Shabbat sermon)
The Silence of Noah (Shabbat sermon)
Too Many Mothers are Wailing Tonight and We Must Not Turn Away (Shabbat sermon)
Simchat Torah 2023
Yom Kippur 5784 Healing & Wholeness
Yom Kippur 5784 Morning Service
Yom Kippur Children’s Service 5784
Kol Nidre 5784
You Walk with Me (From Full Monty with Intro by Cantor Simmons Rosh Hashanah Unplugged 5784)
Rosh HaShanah Morning Service 5784
Ask the Rabb-AI (Rosh HaShanah morning sermon 5784)
Rosh HaShanah Children’s Service 5784
Ein Od (Rosh Hashanah Unplugged 5784 – music)
In the Driver’s Seat (Rosh HaShanah Unplugged 5784 sermon)
Rosh HaShanah Unplugged 5784
Preparing our Souls (Shabbat sermon)
Blessings from Curses (Shabbat sermon)
Achat Sha’alti (music)
Dialogical Justice: Gandhi, Buber, and the Pursuit of Justice (Shabbat sermon)
Prayer for a New Driver’s License (Shabbat sermon)
One Little Verse (Shabbat sermon)
Tree on Castle Rock (Shabbat sermon)
The Blessing of Retelling (Shabbat sermon)
Ahavat Olam (music)
Practicing Power: Tzelofehad’s Daughters, Korach, and RAC-T (Shabbat sermon)
Shabbat sermon (June 30, 2023)
True Colors (music)
Standing Between the Dead and the Living (Shabbat sermon)
Hashkiveinu Performed by Laura Broscow (music)
Blessing for Campers (Shabbat Blessing)
Farewell Blessing for Sarah Williams (Shabbat Blessing)
The Mystery of this Weeks Torah Portion (Shabbat Sermon)
Cathedrals in Time (Shabbat Sermon)
Ongoing Wandering (Shabbat Sermon)
When Bad Things Happen (Shabbat Sermon)
Search for Paradise (Shabbat Sermon)
Israel at 75: Celebrating the Hope in Harmony
Bashanah Habaah (music)
Deep Dread and Persistent Hope (Shabbat Sermon)
Stop de Kindermoord and Lu y’hi (Shabbat Sermon)
Lu Y’hi (music)
Dodi Li (music)
Purim Spiel 2023: Mamma Mia Megillah
The Body Keeps Score (Shabbat sermon)
The Jester King (Shabbat sermon)
Roll Into Dark (music featuring Youth Choir)
A Sign on the Doorpost (Shabbat sermon)
Comfort to the Shortened Spirit (Shabbat sermon)
Blessing for Rabbi Silk Before Sabbatical
A Time to Strengthen (Shabbat sermon)
I am a Latke (music)
Ocho Kandelikas (music)
O Chanukah (music)
Maoz Tzur / Rock of Ages
Chanukah Story & This Little Light of Mine
Charity in the Check Out Line (Shabbat sermon)
Light is Returning (music)
Children of the Struggle (Shabbat sermon)
Living a Life of Richness (Shabbat sermon)
Leaving Home (Shabbat sermon)
Israel Trip 2023 Information
Melody & Memory (Yizkor sermon)
Shabbat Sermon- October 14, 2022 (Rabbi Silk)
The Near Death Experience (Shabbat Sermon)
Yom Kippur Yizkor/N’ilah
Yom Kippur Healing & Wholeness
Yom Kippur Afternoon- History of Reform Zionism
Yom Kippur Afternoon- Congregant Voices
Yom Kippur Afternoon- Jonah Variety Hour
Yom Kippur Morning Service
Yom Kippur Children’s Services
Kol Nidre Service
Shabbat Shuvah
Rosh HaShanah Morning Service
Rosh HaShanah Children’s Service
The Storytelling Animal (Erev Rosh HaShanah sermon)
Rosh HaShanah Unplugged
Ready or Not (Shabbat sermon)
#WeBelongTogether- Bethany Boucher & Jake Gardner
#WeBelongTogether- Carol & Barry Goodfriend
#WeBelongTogether- Elizabeth Santos, Ryan Penner, and Morris Santos Penner
#WeBelongTogether- High Holy Day Greeting from Rabbi Hayon
We Need to Talk About Pinchas: Sacred Belonging for Jewish Families (Shabbat sermon)
Book Review: “Not Our Kind”
Moses’s letter to Miriam after her death in Parashat Chukat (Shabbat sermon)
Kabbalat Shabat
June Community Shabbat
Lunch & Learn- Jews in 20th Century Iran: National Belonging, Education & Identity (6/9/2022)
Shabbat Festival Service & Yizkor (6/5/2022)
Erev Shavuot & Confirmation Service (6/4/2022)
Emanu El Youth Choir: “MiChamocha” by Elana Arian
Emanu El Youth Choir: “Hinei Mah Tov / Light Up the World” by Noah Aronson
Family Shabbat 2022 – Teacher Recognition
Emanu El Youth Choir: “Roll Into Dark” by Naom Katz
Jason Plotkin Farewell Medley
T’filat Haderech / Travelers Prayer
Jason Plotkin Farewell Address to the Congregation
New Emanu El President Stuart Gaylor Addresses Congregation
L’chi Lach (music)
The Light in Hidden Places / Sisterhood Book Review
Ani Adonai / I Am G-d (Shabbat sermon)
Graduating Seniors 2022: Share Words of Torah (Senior Sermon)
L’dor Vador with Helfman Graduates 2022 (music)
Message to Helfman 2022 Graduating Seniors & Blessing
Kabbalat Shabbat ft. Helfman Religious School Graduation 2022
Scholar-in-Residence: Song of Songs (Josh Breitzer sermon)
Ein K’Eloheinu (music)
Passover Yizkor
The Wings of Home (Shabbat sermon)
Annual Meeting – Senior Rabbi’s Report
Annual Meeting – President’s Report
Remix Judaism: Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World with Roberta Kwall
Tackling Hunger in Israel with Leket Israel’s Joseph Gitler
Learning from Out Vatikot: The Pioneers Who Paved the Way (Shabbat sermon)
V’shamru (music)
Dolores Wilkenfeld Tribute Video
Book Review: “Concealed”
Purim Spiel 2022: Rule the World
Reality Bites the Megillah
Purim Spiel 2022: Made Your Mind Up
The COVID Vaccine & Preschool-Age Children with Dr. Katherine King
Exploring the “Social Justice Torah Commentary”
Shir Chadash: Sing A New Song (music)
Prayer for Peace & Only Light / Oseh Shalom (music)
Tetzaveh: The Ghost Light & the Eternal Light (Shabbat sermon)
Oseh Shalom (music)
Sisterhood’s “Cooking Like Your Bubbe”
B’sha’ah Tovah, In Good Time (Shabbat sermon)
Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu (music)
After Colleyville: Between Sinai & Amalek (Shabbat sermon)
Shabbat Shirah: A Sabbath of Song Celebrating Barbara Loeser
Tribute to Barbara Loeser from Emanu El Clergy
Barbara Loeser’s Remarks to the Congregation
Shalom Rav in Honor of Barbara Loeser
Sisterhood Book Review: “The Third Daughter”
Eileh Chamdah Libi (music)
Yism’chu (music)
Shortness of Spirit (Shabbat sermon)
Adon Olam (to Auld Lang Syne)
Mi Shebeirach (music)
Lights in the Darkness (Shabbat sermon)
Hashkiveinu (music)
Heritage Shabbat
The Hyphen in Anti-Semitism (Shabbat sermon)
I Remember
Ocho Kandelikas by the Emanu El Youth Choir
Chanukah Shabbat
Maoz Tzur
Lots of Latkes Skit
Hineih Mah Tov
Sisterhood Women’s Day
The Power of Prayer & Warp Engines (Shabbat sermon)
Book Review: “Florence Adler Swims Forever”
Refugee 101: From A Global Perspective to Local Solutions (Program)
Let Me Hear You God
Prayer, Connection & Baseball (Shabbat sermon)
World Series Wager Challenge to Temple Sinai in Atlanta
Eileh Chamdah Libi
Welcoming the Stranger (Shabbat sermon)
Jerusalem Peacebuilders
To Be a Reader (Shabbat sermon)
Rainbow Connection
Windows to the World (Shabbat sermon)
Shabbat Worship
The Gift of History (Shabbat sermon)
Simchat Torah Festival Service & Yizkor
Simchat Torah: A Celebration for URJ Communities
Consecration 2021
L’dor Vador (Consecration 2021)
Is Beauty a Jewish Value (Shabbat sermon)
Turn Turn Turn
Book Review: “A Seat At The Table” by Joshua Halberstam
This House Isn’t Real: Finding Joy After Destruction (Shabbat Sermon)
Yom Kippur Yizkor & N’ilah
Every Person is a Cemetery (Yizkor sermon)
Yom Kippur Afternoon Experience
The A-Word (Yom Kippur sermon)
The Cookie Thief (Yom Kippur children’s story)
Yom Kippur Children’s Service
Ashamnu – Music
In The Pulpit and In The Pew Part II (Yom Kippur)
Kol Nidre – Music
Kol Nidre (first service)
Dr. Peter Hotez Remarks from Shabbat Shuvah
Shabbat Shuvah w/Guest D’var Torah by Dr. Peter Hotez
The Quarantine Reviewed (Rosh HaShanah morning sermon)
The Bucket Fillers (Rosh HaShanah Children’s)
A New Beginning (Rosh HaShanah Children’s)
Tekiyah (Rosh HaShanah Children’s)
Hayom T’amtzeinu (Rosh HaShanah Unplugged)
In The Pulpit & The Pew Part I (Rosh HaShanah Unplugged)
You Will Be Found (Rosh HaShanah Unplugged)
A Temporary Torah
Elul Lunch & Learn: Laying the Foundation
Ahavat Olam / Sh’ma / Va’havta
Elul Lunch & Learn: Building the Walls
Psalm 27: Elul Psalm
Mi Chamocha
Shalom Rav
Written in the Stars
Living Between Fear and Love: Moving Towards Reopening
Erev Shavuot / Confirmation Service