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Basic Judaism

Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 6 sessions beginning on January 12 Curious to learn more about Jewish practice and belief? Wanting to understand the layers of Jewish wisdom literature and text? Interested in reviewing the highlights of Jewish history? Join our clergy for Basic Judaism, a multi-session beginning-level course open to those […]

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EE Young Families Playdate

Hermann Park 6000 Fannin St., Houston

Buddy Carruth Playground for all Children Hermann Park Come connect with other young families while we enjoy playtime! Feel free to come for the whole time, or just drop in when you can. Snacks, drinks and fun will be provided! If your child is five years old or younger, we would love to meet up […]

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Beginning Adult Hebrew

Our beginning adult Hebrew class focuses on learning the Hebrew aleph bet and acquiring the skills to decode simple words and phrases. The course cost is $180. Try the first couple of sessions at no cost to decide if it is a good fit for you. Learn more and register for these classes by contacting […]

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MUSIC AT EMANU EL presents Shepherd School of Music: An Afternoon of Klezmer

$18 GENERAL ADMISSION SHEPHERD SCHOOL OF MUSIC CONCERT AN AFTERNOON OF KLEZMER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23  $18 General Admission 2:00 p.m. Experience behind-the-scenes learning as Klezmer Conservatory Band Founder/Director Hankus Netsky and composer/performer Eden MacAdam-Somer lead a master class workshop in ‘oral tradition’ with Shepherd School students. 3:00 p.m. Reception sponsored by Kenny & Ziggy's 4:00 […]