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Yom Kippur Afternoon Experience

High Holy Day Worship . Programming . Worship & Sermons

September 25, 2023


12:30 pm - 3:20 pm

Yom Kippur

Enhance your Yom Kippur experience with afternoon options:

12:30 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.

  • The Apology Variety Hour, Rabbi Fixler, Barish Sanctuary
    How do we find the words to say “sorry”? How do we find the strength to forgive and let go? We will explore the themes of apology and repair through diverse offerings of music, theater, and art. We will explore ancient texts and modern media to shed new light on the themes of this holy day.

1:30 p.m. – 2:20 p.m.

  • Back in Time: Capturing Memory with Collage and Drawing, Ellen Orseck & Cantor Simmons, Oshman Multi-Purpose Room
    Using collage materials congregants may explore memories of their childhood holiday celebrations or their family gatherings. Houston-based artist Ellen Orseck will lead participants through the process of drawing, collaging and developing opaque as well as translucent elements in their collage works. 

    • Please note that advance registration is requested for Back in Time: Capturing Memory with Collage and Drawing, as space is limited. Click here to register.
  • Life Lessons from Generation to Generation: The Gifts of an Ethical Will, Rabbi Silk, Stillman-Lack Library
    Spend a bit of Yom Kippur afternoon reflecting on what’s most important in your life and consider ways to convey those things to the next generation. In this afternoon session we will learn about ethical wills, examine examples, and have the opportunity to begin crafting our own expressions of our values, achievements, blessings, life lessons, hopes and dreams.
  • Joining the Conversation: Expanding the Realm of Possibility in Jewish Text Study, Stefani Carlson, Board Room
    For more than two millennia, Jews have studied Torah in community, generating lively debates in our search for meaning and relevance. Our texts record these discussions, in a literary tradition that transcends time and space to link thousands of voices into one great conversation. Midrash, a Hebrew word meaning “searching out and exploring sacred scripture,” is not just a body of writings, but a creative process that is continually ongoing. Come build connections to our texts and each other as we trace the thread of conversation around one of today’s Torah readings.
  • Musical Contemplation, Proler Chapel
    A string quartet of Shepherd School musicians will create space for personal contemplation and meditation on the themes of the holiday.

2:30 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.

  • Social Justice Showcase: Repairing Our World, Rabbi Fixler, Oshman Multi-Purpose Room
    Learn from leaders representing some of our congregation’s incredible social justice projects. Hear about our work at a state and local level on healthcare equality, diversity and belonging, civic engagement, and hunger/homelessness. Join the conversation and discover ways that you can lend your own voice to this important work in this new year of 5784.
  • Meditation, Ann Friedman, Board Room
  • Yom Kippur, Then and Now, Rabbi Walter, Proler Chapel