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Work of Our Hands

Programming . Sisterhood

January 12, 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 pm


Congregation Emanu El

Work of Our Hands

We are excited to bring Work of Our Hands back into the building!

Join us on the second Thursday of the month as we host a group that enjoys companionship while knitting and/or crocheting shawls, bonnets, booties, lap blankets etc. for patients in the Texas Medical Center. The beauty of this mitzvah covers neo-natal infants to patients at MD Anderson.

If you don’t know how to knit but want to learn, let us know. We’ll be happy to teach you!

Please know that all attendees will have to check-in at the Rotunda, wear masks during their stay in the building and help us maintain social distancing in the board room. Due to limited space, we are requiring pre-event registration to Donnie Bundman at dbundman@gmail.com.