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Welcome Home Basket Assembly

- . Programming . Sisterhood

November 6, 2022


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Emanu El’s congregation-wide, Sisterhood-led social action initiative mirrors the Torah’s teaching “The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I the Lord am your G-d.”

We are welcoming strangers by working with Interfaith Ministries and Jewish Family Service to provide baskets of basic necessities to Afghan refugees, to Houston’s Jewish domestic violence victims, and to people experiencing homelessness.

As a congregation we’re committed to providing 40 “Welcome Home Baskets,” with 20 being assembled on November 6, and 20 to be assembled on December 11. Thank you for what you’ve generously given so far!

Please help to complete this mitzvah! There’s an urgent need for new/nearly new bath towels, sets of dishes for four, glassware for four, and pots and pans. These items can be dropped off at the bins in the rotunda. In addition, to order items from our Amazon or Target gift registries, donate funds for purchasing items, and volunteer to assemble baskets go to: emanuelhouston.org/welcomehomebaskets

As the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks said, “Acts of kindness never die. They linger in the memory, giving life to other acts in return.”  Please take just a few minutes to participate in this important act of kindness.

Help through Amazon & Target

Links have been set up with Amazon and Target to simplify the ordering process, with items delivered directly to Emanu El. Click the link below to help through Amazon.

Click here to contribute through Amazon.

Click here to contribute through Target.

Donate through Emanu El

Donations may be given for purchasing items by check, made out to Congregation Emanu El Sisterhood, with a notation for “Welcome Baskets,” and sent to the Sisterhood office.

Donations toward this effort may also be given online by clicking here.