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Sukkot on Sunset

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October 20, 2024


4:00 pm


Congregation Emanu El

Sunday, October 20
3:30 p.m. Special Sensory Program
4:00 p.m. Sukkot on Sunset

Celebrate the joy of Sukkot together this season as we gather with the whole family to enjoy festive food including corn dogs and hamburgers, and service in our sukkah. The fun will be endless with a 4-in-1 inflatable sports challenge, inflatable Velcro wall, 18-foot slide, photo booth, and snow cone station!

Additionally, starting at 3:30 p.m. in the library, we will offer a dedicated low-sensory area for all ages for those with visual, auditory, or social sensitivities or disabilities. Devices, fidget toys, headphones, movements, and participation of all kinds are encouraged!
This is low-sensory area is being offered as part of an inclusion program featuring Emanu El, Beth Israel, Beth Yeshurun, and Brith Shalom.