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Sisterhood Opening Dinner

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August 30, 2023


6:30 pm


Congregation Emanu El

Come celebrate with us, it’s our big birthday,
Sisterhood has come a long, long way.
Eighty years strong, working toward a common cause,
Supporting our congregation and community without pause.
August 30 is the night of celebration,
Don’t miss this stupendous occasion!

The couvert for this event is $25 for Sisterhood members and non-members. $5 of each payment will be donated to the WRJ YES Fund (Youth, Education and Special Projects), which nurtures future leaders in the Jewish community through grants at the local and national level.

Please RSVP by Friday, August 25, either online or by contacting the Sisterhood office at 713.529.5771, ext. 233 or sishood@emanuelhouston.org.