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MUSIC AT EMANU EL: Adult Learning Session with Eliana Light

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September 8, 2024


10:30 am

Wrestling with G-d’s Name

Emanu El joins with Houston Reform congregations to open ourselves to the possibility of transformation in this month of Elul. Through learning-ful singing with others, let’s prepare our hearts, souls, and voices for the Days of Awe ahead. Eliana Light’s music, gatherings, and teaching reflect a spirit of embodied wisdom, empathy, and joy.

The Holy One, The Source, The Force, The Great Dude in the Sky- what we call g?d has tremendous power. What are these names, and what happens if we encounter one in Torah or liturgy that we don’t agree with? Together, we’ll explore some pieces of high holiday liturgy, a few dozen g?d “nicknames,” and discuss what g?d means, and could mean, to each of us.