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Adult Ed . Education . Programming

May 13, 2023


9:00 am - 10:00 am

Are you interested in reducing stress, enhancing your performance, and gaining insight and awareness of yourself and others? Consider joining Emanu El’s mediation group on Shabbat mornings. Jewish values and influences are often incorporated, and many find that it enhances their own practice of Judaism.

Certified and experienced leaders include Ann Friedman, Jan Silver, Susan Berdinis, and Martin Lindenberg.

All levels are welcome, from beginner to advanced meditators.

The first Saturday of each month is dedicated to beginners with an Introduction to Mindfulness. Experience a basic practice, discuss bringing mindfulness into your daily life and have your questions answered.

Please consider joining us! For more information, please contact Heidi Kaplan at heidi.b.kaplan@gmail.com.