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Kabbalat Shabbat with Summer Shabbat Blessing for Young People

- . Programming

June 7, 2024


6:00 pm


Congregation Emanu El

Shabbat Evening Service

Many of our young people are planning to leave Houston to attend summer camp, fellowships and adventures, including our Shirley Barish Memorial Israel Experience participants. During Shabbat on June 7, we will offer a special blessing as part of our Shabbat service to wish our congregation’s young people a safe and successful summer away.

Shabbat evening worship services feature a diverse rotation of musical accompaniment and worship styles.

Our Friday evening service is available online through our streaming video page. Most Friday evening services may be found on our Proler Chapel broadcast; however, on some occasions it can be found on our Barish Sanctuary broadcast. Please review our weekly congregational communications for the most up-to-date information.

These services are also available on our website, YouTube, Facebook and Roku.

To help guide you in our worship, please utilize the CCAR’s flip book for Mishkan T’filah by clicking here.