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Judaism Through the Arts

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March 26, 2025


1:00 pm


Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Nancy & Rich Kinder Building – Lynn Wyatt Theater
(5500 Main Street, Houston, TX 77004)

Reception: Isabel Brown Wilson Boardroom

The Sisterhood of Congregation Emanu El invites you to Judaism Through the Arts. Alison de Lima Greene, the Isabel Brown Wilson Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art will be speaking about the art and life of Tamara de Lempicka. This sneak preview of an upcoming March 2025 exhibition, Tamara de Lempicka, features the art of de Lempicka who took Paris by storm in the 1920s with portraits, nude figure studies and still life paintings that united classicism and high modernism to create some of the most defining works of the Art Deco era.

De Lempicka, born Tamara Rosa Hurwitz 1894 in Poland in an era of fierce anti-Semitism learned at an early age to conceal her Jewish ancestry. Following her marriages to Tadeusz Lempicka and Baron Raoul Kuffner, she entered the circles of Polish and Hungarian aristocracy, before being forced to flee Europe in 1939. She settled at first in New York and Los Angeles, then in Houston in the 1960s. Curator Alison de Lima Greene will introduce the major themes of the exhibition and how the many guises de Lempicka assumed throughout her life are reflected in her artwork.

Linda Zoll, the founder of this program with the MFAH, will be honored.

A dessert reception will follow.

The cost to attend this program is $18 for Emanu El Sisterhood members, and $25 for non-members. Please RSVP online or through the Sisterhood office at 713-529-5771, ext. 233.