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Like many large Jewish organizations across our nation, we have experienced rising operating costs, while continuing to meet our community’s spiritual, communal, and educational needs. For several years, our synagogue has faced significant budget deficits. While there is no easy solution, we believe it is crucial that we help our members understand the costs of operating a large synagogue and that we ask you to Step UP and help strengthen our congregation’s sustainability.

Step UP is designed to better align our operating revenues with our costs, ensuring the financial health and stability of our congregation for generations to come.

Step UP by making an Annual Commitment at either the next level, or a higher, more meaningful commitment that will help fortify our congregation’s revenues.

What Goes Into Congregation Emanu El’s Budget?

Managing temple finances is like that of other organizations with competing needs and limited resources. Every dollar matters and your clergy, administrative team and Board of Trustees take their financial stewardship seriously. Here are the major components of our operating budget and how they have evolved over time.

The size of our congregation has remained consistent despite COVID, rising antisemitism, and other external factors, but our membership revenue has not increased significantly since 2019. Between 2019 and 2024, Annual Commitments increased only 10% while cumulative inflation rose nearly 24%. Despite that, the congregation has managed to continue operations with the benefit of government grants and additional distributions from our healthy endowment funds.

On the expense side, rising operating costs associated with responses to the historic escalation in antisemitism, lingering effects of COVID and some major unplanned security and facilities expenses have been fiscally challenging. Since 2019, security and facility costs increased ~200% and now represent over 25% of our budget.

What is the Annual Commitment Model?

Several revenue streams support the congregation’s operations, with the largest percentage coming from member annual commitments. In 2015, we transitioned to an Annual Commitment model (vs. “Fair Share” Dues model based on a percentage of your income) which determines the unit cost per member. Simply put, the Annual Commitment is calculated by taking Congregation Emanu El’s total operating costs and dividing them by the number of member units. This approach, widely adopted by congregations across the country, should ensure that we can sustain our annual budgetary needs.

The Standard / Sustaining Annual Commitment is $3,000 for a two-adult and $2,000 for a single adult household.

Currently, 50% of our members are making commitments below the standard/sustaining level at an average commitment of $959. This is significantly below what Congregation Emanu El needs to sustain itself and what has contributed to our current deficit.

We remain committed to being accessible to everyone seeking a Jewish community at Congregation Emanu El and no one will be denied for an inability to pay the sustaining/standard level. However, it is essential that we increase the number of members paying at the standard/sustaining level and beyond.

What are Enhanced Commitment Donors?

15% of our members are in Enhanced Commitment categories. We are so grateful for this special group of congregants whose commitment to Congregation Emanu El goes above and beyond. Their extra financial support makes it possible for all those who are unable to pay the standard/sustaining amount to be part of the Emanu El family. Their generosity also subsidizes the tuition of Helfman Religious School making it more affordable for all to receive a Jewish education.

How You Can Help

We want all members to contribute at the sustaining level or higher. Please Step UP and consider doing more, where possible. However, your membership at Congregation Emanu El will not be denied if you cannot afford this level. Congregation Emanu El is committed to remaining accessible to everyone seeking a Jewish community. As always, for those who believe this would pose financial hardship, we will be happy to make confidential alternative arrangements.

To keep our clergy, staff, students, members and visitors safe on campus, it is necessary that all Annual Commitment categories pay a Security & Facility fee of $500. Safety and security of all on our campus is a top priority at Congregation Emanu El. This assessment helps offset the increasing cost of security personnel and equipment.

Please Step UP and increase your annual commitment to Congregation Emanu El to help us continue serving our vibrant and essential community and fulfill our mission of faith and service.


Our leadership and staff are available to answer any questions that you may have.

Ready to Renew?

When you are ready to renew your annual commitment, click here or contact Jessie Cassorla at jessiec@emanuelhouston.org or 713.529.5771, ext. 213.

If you have questions, please contact Anna Shabtay at annas@emanuelhouston.org or 713.987.3316.

Where Are We Toward Our Goal?

Our goal is to increase Annual Commitments for the 2025-2026 fiscal year by over $1 million.